Shropshire Star

Gary O'Neil understands Wolves fans' frustrations over Christmas Eve game

Gary O’Neil has sympathy with the supporters who are angry at Wolves’ Christmas Eve fixture switch.


Wolves will host Chelsea on December 24 in the first Premier League game on that date since 1995 and Wolves’ first since 1966.

Supporters of both clubs are campaigning against the move with concerns over transport chaos and taking fans away from their families.

“I can understand the fans’ point of view, I was a fan a long time ago and I understand Christmas Eve is an important family day for a lot of people,” O’Neil said.

“Also, it’s something nobody is really used to and has been put in after not being around for a while.

“I guess there will be a split on it. I’m led to believe that more people are unhappy with it than happy, but I’m sure there will be a few people that fancy to go watch football before they go home and spend the evening with their families.

“I also understand the pressures it can put on some other people to be with their family that day and they don’t want to miss Wolves or Chelsea playing. I understand it can be tricky for some fans to commit to watching a football match on Christmas Eve.”

Wolves’ Boxing Day trip to Brentford has been pushed back a day as a result, but the December 30 clash with Everton has not moved.

On top of that, Brentford’s game with Manchester City before Christmas has been postponed, giving them a competitive advantage in their preparation.

“December will be testing schedule-wise, as it always is,” O’Neil added.

“We have seven games and then those ones in real quick succession. That will be testing for the group, no doubt.

“We play Brentford who have a long break. We’ll have had a couple days to prepare and they’ll have had 10.

“But that’s the way it goes. It’s a long way off for me to be worrying about Brentford and Chelsea.”