Shropshire Star

Dave Edwards: Early signings give Gary O’Neil best chance to build side

It is really exciting that Wolves are doing so much business so early in the transfer window.

Jorgen Strand Larsen (Photo by Juan Manuel Serrano Arce/Getty Images).

You see so often at football clubs, especially in the Premier League, how difficult it can be to get signings done – especially with how complex it is nowadays.

I have said numerous times Gary O’Neil will want as long as possible to work with his squad in pre-season after he did not have one last year.

They have already got two over the line, and now they are looking to add Jorgen Strand Larsen. They are all positions in which Wolves have really needed to improve in and add more depth.

I have spoken about adding a number nine being essential for what Wolves are likely to achieve this year, and it looks like Larsen is going to be the answer to that.

When you look at what Wolves have at the moment with Hwang Hee-Chan, I think he brings something completely different to him.

He is a big lad who can receive balls into him and hold up play.