Shropshire Star

Halford adds another win to his Wrekinsport tally

Chris Halford maintained his dominance of the Wrekinsport’s Evening 10 Series with yet another victory.


Halford took the spoils in round 14 to make it 13 wins from the 13 races he has entered.

The riders had to contend with a strong westerly wind and rain but that didn’t stop Halford stopping the watch on 22 minutes six seconds.

Rich Smith came home second in 23:43, five seconds ahead of newly-signed Rob Jackson.

That was enough for Smith to win Series silver, having scoring consistently throughout the competition.

There was a strong ride from Paramount CRT’s Sean Evans, who took victory in the non-aero category in a fantastic time of 24:01, 1:40 ahead of Ian Watts, who was making a rare appearance in a time trial.

But there was a surprise for newly-crowned non-aero champion Ian Bond as he lost out by a second to Richard Howes.

Result: 1 Chris Halford Wrekinsport CC 22:06; 2 Rich Smith Wrekinsport CC 23:43; 3 Rob Jackson Wrekinsport CC 23:48; 4 Sean Evans Paramount CRT 24:01; 5 Allan Henderson Wrekinsport CC 24:06.

Overall Standings: 1 Chris Halford 78; 2 Rich Smith 43; =3 Mark Griffiths, Tomos Hales 35; 5 Dave Moore 19.

Non-aero Series: 1 Ian Bond 54; 2 Peter Mulloy 33; 3 Mark Callaghan 13; 4 Tomos Hales, Allan Henderson, Richard Howes 12.