Shropshire Star

It's trophy time for talented trio

A trio of talented athletes took centre stage at the Shropshire Schools Athletics Association’s annual presentation evening.


Charlie Carvell, Jake Watson and Connor Bentley were rewarded for their outstanding efforts as they scooped the three main awards at the event.

Carvell, from Bridgnorth Endowed School, won the Derek Hayward Trophy for the best performance by a Shropshire athlete in the English Schools Combined Events Championships, finishing 11th in the junior boys’ pentathlon at Bedford.

Jake Watson, Idsall, claimed the Cavan Cup, for the best Shropshire performance at the English Schools Track and Field Championships where he finished second in the senior boys’ pole vault at Birmingham.

And Haberdasher Adams School, Newport student Bentley, took the Bob Parker Trophy for the best performance at the English Schools Cross Country Championships, finishing seventh in the senior boys’ race at Leeds.