Shropshire Star

Simone Biles to be honorary Houston Texans cheerleader

A tweet about wanting to be an NFL cheerleader did the trick for Biles


Four-time Olympic gold medallist Simone Biles will turn her hand to cheerleading for one Sunday in December.

A tweet from the 20-year-old gymnastics star quickly led to her receiving an invite to be a part of the Houston Texas Cheerleaders.

Before the Texans’ Monday Night Football defeat to the Baltimore Ravens earlier this week, Biles, who lives in Texas, made it clear the interest she had in being a cheerleader.

One follower suggested the Texans should invite the 10-time world champion to join their group, which garnered a positive reaction from Biles.

And a little over two days later the Texans Cheerleaders confirmed that Biles will take to the field with them as their first ever honorary member.

She will be in action during the NFL franchise’s next home game, which sees Houston take on the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday, December 10.

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