Advice to families on avoiding festive over-spending
An anti-poverty champion has issued guidance and tips for struggling families to avoid falling into debt this Christmas.

Powys County Councillor Joy Jones has been working in her role to help people in poverty, and has issued tips for them this Christmas.
The pieces are advice are designed for families who struggle financially, to help them avoid over spending in the festive season.
Councillor Jones said: "Christmas comes but once a year, and when it does it brings good cheer, but it can leave you in debt for the rest of the year or longer.
"We all want to give our families and friends the very best time we can.
"The cost of presents, dinner, decorations and trimmings mount up and we sometimes forget how much we’ve spent which can lead to money worries after Christmas when the bills come in.
"Christmas is about spending time with your family and friends not spending money."
Councillor Jones is advising people to stick to a budget, shop for the best deals and replacements, be creative, and wrap small presents in one big box.
Other tips include making your own wrapping paper.
She has also appealed to others in the county to donate towards food banks to help the more needy over the festive period.
She added: "If you are able to, please donate to your local food bank or charities who will make sure that children in families who are struggling get something this Christmas.
"Food banks are looking for donations all year round.
"Perhaps your New Year’s resolution could be to donate something to your local food bank every month or you could donate to charity rather than sending Christmas cards."