Mother killed with zombie knife in front of young child at carnival, court told
Cher Maximen was caught up in ‘shocking violence’ during Notting Hill Carnival’s family day, the Old Bailey heard.

A woman was fatally stabbed with a zombie knife in front of her three-year-old daughter during Notting Hill Carnival’s family day, a court has heard.
The carnival was in full swing on the afternoon of Sunday August 25 last year when Cher Maximen, 32, was caught up in “truly shocking” violence, the Old Bailey was told.
Shakeil Thibou, 20, allegedly stabbed Ms Maximen in the groin with a large zombie-style knife with her young daughter close by, jurors were told.
Prosecutor Ed Brown KC said: “Moments before he stabbed Cher Maximen, Shakeil Thibou carried out an equally horrifying attack – on a man who was already retreating from him and from his knife. He was lucky.”
Thibou is on trial accused of Ms Maximen’s murder, the attempted murder of 20-year-old Adjei Isaac, and having an offensive weapon.
His older brothers, Sheldon and Shaeim Thibou, are alongside him in the dock accused of violent disorder and assaulting Pc Oliver Mort, who tried to intervene.
On Tuesday, jurors viewed police body-worn video of the fast-paced incident in Golborne Road.
Mr Brown said a disturbance began at about 5.48pm between the defendants and at least two other males close to where Ms Maximen was standing with her group.
The crowd parted as Sheldon and Shaeim Thibou allegedly got into a physical confrontation with the males, prompting Pc Mort to step in to break it up.
Sheldon Thibou was holding a stun gun as the pair hit out at the officer, it was alleged.
Meanwhile, Shakeil Thibou thrust a “huge” knife repeatedly towards Mr Isaac’s stomach, only missing him because the victim drew back, the court heard.

Mr Brown said: “He lunged with the knife directly at Adjei Isaac’s torso, and repeatedly so. Adjei Isaac tried to grab hold of Shakeil Thibou’s arms and in those moments – and they are just moments – recoiled away from the knife.
“The knife, with no thanks to the first defendant, just missed him, and only by the very closest of margins. What would have happened had he not instinctively recoiled, pulling his stomach away from that knife, does not need any imagination.
“You see that Cher Maximen had been knocked to the ground in the immediate events as Adjei Isaac recoiled from Shakeil’s knife. In his efforts to save himself from the knife attack, Isaac had come into contact with Cher.
“It is clear that she had simply got caught up in the events. Shakeil stumbled over the ladies sitting down, including Cher, but steadied himself on the hoarding.
“Cher Maximen in those moments grabbed hold of Shakeil Thibou’s coat, pulled it and managed to get partially to her feet. She appeared to attempt to strike out with her hand at Shakeil who of course was still holding that knife in his hand.
“Cher Maximen took a step towards him and at the same time appeared to raise her right leg out at him. At that moment, Shakeil Thibou raised the knife directly towards Cher Maximen and deliberately stabbed her in her groin.
“The injuries inflicted on Ms Maximen were fatal – the defendant had killed her. It was a truly shocking attack – and regarded as such by those around it.”
Ms Maximen fell backwards to the ground and Shakeil Thibou and his brothers ran away, jurors were told.
Mr Brown told the court that hundreds of people had been in the area, which was was just off the carnival route.
After the fatal incident, Shakeil Thibou allegedly disposed of the knife.
Mr Brown told jurors: “It is a shocking weapon to have, let alone to use, but use it the defendant did and with devastating consequences. He killed Cher Maximen with it.”
Shakeil Thibou, Sheldon Thibou, 25, and Shaeim Thibou, 22, of Masbro Road, Hammersmith, west London, have denied the charges against them and the trial continues.