Telford rowers to raise funds for Severn Hospice at biggest ever event

Rowers from across Telford will raise funds for Severn Hospice at the biggest ever event of its kind.

Rob Sowdon, Martin Skehan, Richard Greaves and Dave Williams who will be taking part in the indoor rowing challenge at Wrekin College

Five people will each row 100,000 metres while 13 other people each simultaneously row a half marathon and 17 others will individually sprint row 500 metres each at the fundraising event on June 9.

The Performance Day, which will run from 7am until late afternoon, will take place at Wrekin College and will also feature a display by Dance Connection in the middle of the day.

The event was the idea of Rob Sowdon who wanted to do a challenge to increase his level of exercise and has been organised by Jim Mostyn, who runs Wrekin Rowers and Gym Mostyn with his wife Sally at Wrekin College in Wellington, and puts on an annual charity event.

Mr Mostyn said: “Rob came up with a fantastic idea of having these three events running at the same time and I think it’s going to be an electric atmosphere.

“They are all going to be putting themselves through an awful lot and I admire everyone who has signed up to take part - we will have a support team there to not only provide any drinks and snacks needed, but to cheer them on and keep up morale.

“It is going to be the biggest and best event we’ve had yet and the atmosphere is sure to be wonderful with so many things happening at the same time and so many people to cheer on.

“Severn Hospice does a fantastic job for people across Shropshire and our volunteers are only too pleased to put themselves through their paces in order to raise more funds for the vital service they provide.”

Last year saw 11 indoor rowers challenge themselves to row the London Marathon distance while the national event took place alongside a special challenge which was completed by James Dowdall, a member of Wrekin Rowers, who ran the T50 route - 50 miles around Telford - twice.

The events last year helped raise £3,000 for Severn Hospice and this year organisers hope the Performance Day on June 9 helps to raise around £5,000.

All entry donations and sponsorship will go to Severn Hospice and can be made here:

If you would like to take part in the event as a competitor or as a member of the support crew, please email Sally and Jim on

By Kirsty Smallman - Contributor