Shropshire Star

Spectacular garden event with the 'wow' factor to return

Hodnet Hall Gardens welcomes back Plant Hunters’ Fair over the weekend of June 8-9 for what has become the most spectacular summer plant event in the area with thousands of plants from some of the country's most respected nurseries.

Plant Hunters' Fair returns to Hodnet Hall Gardens. Photo: Plant Hunters' Fair

Martin Blow of Plant Hunters' Fairs said: "Summer is here at last and it’s time to perk up those beds and borders with some brilliant plants and garden accessories. Now in its 14th year, this is always a spectacular plant fair at a truly not to be missed garden.

"Our line-up of 26 stalls is our biggest ever at this venue and nursery debutantes include Dibleys, world-renowned houseplant experts fresh from another Chelsea gold; Ian and Teresa Moss with plants from their salvia collection; John Cullen Gardens with plants for pollinators and their National Collection of Achillea and much, much more to make this a very special day out with 63 acres of spectacular gardens to explore.

"The garden will be ablaze with colour and there is a 'wow' moment around each corner, with flowering trees and shrubs, roses and peonies, herbaceous borders, woodland plants, walled vegetable and cutting garden, wildflower meadow and woods, lakes and streams to inspire you.

Hodnet Hall Gardens. Photo: Plant Hunters' Fair

"The garden is steeped in history and reflects the passion for plants of the current owners. There are many picturesque walks to take of varying lengths and when you’ve finished there’s always the tearoom to retreat to!"

Experts will be on hand to answer any questions. Photo: Plant Hunters' Fair

The fair opens at 10am and closes at 5pm each day with dogs on leads are very welcome.

Entry price for the gardens and plant fair is £5 for adults, children under 16 free. Tickets are available from

Browse the wide variety of plants. Photo: Plant Hunters' Fair

The garden is off the A53 and A442 at Hodnet, TF9 3NN.

By Janet Blow - Contributor

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