Shropshire Star

A Shropshire school physics student is ranked among the top 100 in the world

The ‘outstanding feat’ was achieved by Jiale Pan, a 6.1 student at Concord College, who was taking part in a prestigious international physics competition for high school students.

Concord College students

In addition to being in the world top 100 in individual results, he was the highest ranking student from any UK school.

“Jiale’s performance demonstrates our students’ exceptional talent and dedication to physics,” said Concord College physics teacher Mr Bart Wargos.

More than 1,000 schools worldwide competed in the Physics Bowl competition for both individual and school honours which was organised by the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Forty eight Concord College physicists from Y11 up to Y13 tackled a 40 question test paper under examination conditions.

Students who had been studying physics for the longest took on the more advanced ‘Division 2’ paper aimed at pre-university student level. Concord College’s team came an impressive fourth in their international region in the harder Division 2 paper.

Mr Wargos said: “I think it is important we didn’t just train our sixth form students to take part. Anyone who wanted a challenge, including younger students could participate.”

Concord’s region included the whole of Europe and parts of the USA as well as a number of other countries.

Principal Dr Michael Truss congratulated all the Concord College students who took part: “Learning about physics is fascinating and we have many very successful students in physics exams,” he said.

“What competitions like this add is another opportunity for students to take on a challenge outside of their curriculum and to think about physics a little differently.”

Dr Truss added: “I am delighted to see that so many Concord students have risen to the challenge.”

By Peter Love - Contributor

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