Shropshire Star

Much Wenlock care home residents get 'super competitive' at national quiz

Staff and residents from Barchester’s Wheatlands care home in Much Wenlock, joined fellow keen gamers from over 250 Barchester care homes and hospitals across the whole of the UK, including Wales, Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Wight, to compete in the latest event in the Barchester Goes Gaming series – Beat The Clock!

Una and Barbara debating the number round. Photo: Katie Macey

The Beat The Clock Quiz, Barchester’s version of Countdown, took place on 25 June, when Wheatlands got super competitive and took on its sister homes from all over the country to find out which Barchester home or hospital was the best at word puzzles, crunching numbers and solving conundrums. It was dictionaries at the ready as the homes battled it out to discover who would prevail.

General Manager, Lea-Ann Littler said: “We’ve got some real quiz fanatics at our home, we are very competitive - our residents love taking part in anything where winning is involved, losing is not an option! Everyone was desperate to come up with the longest word!”

Una Cosker, a resident at Wheatlands commented: “It has been such a fun afternoon, I always love a quiz no matter what it is! It was wonderful to see everyone in all the other homes joining in. I really enjoyed getting together with my fellow residents to take on the other homes – it is amazing how competitive everyone gets!”

By Katie Macey - Contributor

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