Shropshire Star

Residents urged to help boost Telford Town Park and be in with a chance to win money

Telford residents can help boost the town’s award winning park and have a chance to win money at the same time thanks to an offer from a voluntary group.

Adrian Smith, the new chairman of the Friends of Telford Town Park. Photo: FOTTP

The Friends of Telford Town Park (FOTTP) is urging residents to sign up to the council’s lottery scheme which helps raise money for the voluntary gardeners who maintain the Chelsea and Maxell gardens.

The Friends have asked people to sign up to the Telford & Wrekin Community Lottery (TWINCL) and make their group the cause they support - with 60p of the £1 ticket price going to them.

During the 2023 to 2024 financial year the FOTTP received £610 from TWINCL and they’d like to at least double that in this financial year.

Adrian Smith, Chairman of FOTTP, said: “TWINCL is a fantastic way to get donations as not only are people donating, but they have a chance to win £25,000 too.

“It is a great source of income to help us continue the voluntary work we do and we would love more people to support us and be in with a chance of winning that top prize.

“We currently have 15 people who choose FOTTP as the cause their donation goes to - but we could make over £1,200 this year if we’re able to double that number.

“It is a fantastic way for people to support our group, either in addition to coming to do gardening with us on a Wednesday or Saturday morning, or instead - you don’t actually have to come along as well, especially for those who are unable to do so, this is a way to give us a huge amount of support without doing anything else.”

TWINCL is drawn every Saturday night and anyone who matches all six numbers wins the £25,000 jackpot. For five matching numbers the winner is handed £2,000 and other prizes range include £250, £25 and extra tickets.

There are 69 causes currently using TWINCL as a way to receive additional funding and FOTTP is aiming to raise £1,300 through the scheme this year to aid the planting, weeding, paving, general upkeep and specialist creations the group work on throughout the year.

There are 40 members of FOTTP and around 16 who regularly work on the gardens each week, meeting every Wednesday morning at 10am.

Saturday morning sessions take place once a month and run from 9am to 1pm, dates of these are posted on the Friends Facebook page.

For more information or to join them visit their website or follow them on Facebook.

For more information or to play TWINCL visit

By Dani Wozencroft - Contributor

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