Shropshire Star

Rotary club member celebrates 100th birthday and becomes groups first centenarian

On Tuesday, 2 July, nine club members of the Rotary Club of Shrewsbury visited the Stiperstones Court retirement complex in Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, to join John Elliott on the occasion of his 100th birthday. John was in good spirits and is believed to be the club’s first centenarian.

John enjoying the entertainment to celebrate his 100th birthday. Photo: Alan Copplestone

A past president and a Paul Harris Fellow, John has been a member of the club for an impressive 48 years. We joined a large gathering of his fellow residents, family and friends and were treated to entertainment from a singer, Prosecco and cake - well three cakes; each in the shape of a number!

Secretary Alan Copplestone presented him with a card, bottle of wine, and letters of congratulation from both the RIBI and International Presidents.

By Alan Copplestone - Contributor

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