How times have changed: The first Madam Mayor of Much Wenlock Town Council
When Margaret Attwood became the first woman to be Mayor of Much Wenlock Town Council in 1975 she was the only woman on the parish council. Once elected as mayor there was much discussion about the title she should have, she chose Madam Mayor.
There was also debate as to how her husband David should be titled, with consort being chosen instead of the traditional term mayoress. There was even some debate on the protocol of dress length, not something required for the male mayors!
Margaret had been on the parish council for six years when she attained this role, and she was immensely proud of what she had achieved. She kept a comprehensive journal of the year with photos, letters, invites, agendas and press clippings - including many from the Shropshire Star. This journal is a fabulous record of Much Wenlock parish council life in the 1970s and a snapshot of the social history of rural England almost 50 years ago. Margaret would be so happy that many more women have followed her path in parish politics.
Margaret went on to serve the parish for many more years and was mayor two more times, but sadly didn't keep a complete record of those next two terms.
Margaret passed in 2021 and her children Caroline and Stuart (who feature in the journal) decided her journal should be passed to the Much Wenlock Archive so this unique record can be of value to the people of Much Wenlock in the future. They are meeting up with the Town Clerk and the Town Archivist on August 12 to complete this handover.
By Caroline Attwood-Reusser - Contributor