Shropshire Star

Save our Shropshire sponsors! New climate action award launched

Climate change is causing serious problems. Thousands of parish and town councils across Great Britain have engaged their communities in the battle against climate change. Many committed in 2019 to reach “Net Zero” by 2030, in line with international agreements. The Shropshire Association of Local Councils is launching an award to encourage town and parish councils across Shropshire and help them along the journey towards tackling climate change.

Her Majesty the Queen Camilla meets members of SOS, SALC and climate grouos at Flaxmill Maltings. Photo: Historic England

We can see the impact of climate change daily right now as Greece suffers from summer forest fires.

At a conference in 2022, it was reported that floods in 2020, 2021 and 2022 caused £450 million of economic damage to towns and businesses in the Severn catchment area. Floods have impacted Shropshire seriously, and the root cause is climate change.

Many councils across Shropshire and the UK have helped their communities establish better local transport (with electric buses), set up repair cafes, plant trees, create more cycle routes, establish collective purchasing of solar panels and so on.

All of these projects have had positive effects on communities as well as the planet. They have helped health, cost of living, and communication.

Save Our Shropshire (SOS) has delivered tailored education and training to parish and town councils since they pioneered the Carbon Literacy Project’s tailored course in 2021. They have delivered to many councils in Shropshire and also across the UK. They also provide the “Carbon Literacy Qualification” to the Society of Local Council Clerks – which supports parish clerks with training and advice.

The Carbon Literacy Project has awarded SOS their platinum Carbon Literacy Organisation award.

Now SOS are delighted to announce that they will sponsor SALC’s award to parish and town councils across Shropshire, to recognise those councils which have made the best progress in engaging their communities to take the right action on climate change.

The Shropshire Association of Local Councils provides a great service to parish and town councils, helping them with advice and training on all aspects of their work. They are part of the National Association of Local Councils which is leading the way in tackling climate change.

Awards will be given to large, medium and small councils of £ 3,000, £ 2,000 and £ 1,000 respectively.

A committee of independent experts will judge the applications. The money can be used for any purpose, but it will be great if used to support climate change activities.

For instance, Pontesbury Village has built a community allotment, working with SOS, to encourage people to eat locally and sustainably.

Details can be found at:

Entries must be submitted by 5pm on September 25, results will be announced on October 30 at the SALC AGM.

By Richard Watkins - Contributor

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