Shropshire Star

Bicton & Oxon WI brave the summer rain

We held our August meeting in a member's garden. Everyone brought a plate of food to share and there was a wide choice of delicious food for supper! After anxiously watching the weather forecast, the rain and wind held off, and members had an excellent evening of good company, food and surroundings.

Members relaxing at the garden meeting. Photo: Cathy Swan

The following week we had an evening trip on Sabrina where 50 members and friends came along, and again we didn't get too wet despite a miserable forecast. It was wonderful to see the town from the river, and particularly to be able to go under Welsh Bridge, almost to Shelton. We enjoyed a buffet and plenty of chat as we spotted the local sights and wildlife.

Ready to set off on Sabrina! Photo: Cathy Swan

Back to normal next month when we meet in the village hall.

By Cathy Swan - Contributor

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