Shropshire Star

Residents group focus on people in the local community

Ludlow Residents Group will meet on Saturday, 7 September between 6pm and 7pm in Oscars at Ludlow Assembly Rooms.

Photo: Ludlow Residents Group

There will be brief updates on the work of the Town Walls and Regeneration focus groups and the direction of the Residents Group going forward, and then residents will have the chance to raise any concerns they have about their town. As has been the pattern in the past, a report from the meeting will be given to Ludlow Town Council the following week.

Darren Childs, who set up the Residents Group in January this year, is pleased at the progress being made and at the energy, enthusiasm and skills-set of the people who have come forward to take a lead, says: “The one thing I was adamant wouldn’t happen is that the Residents Group would be seen as, or become, just a talking shop. That hasn’t happened. It is really great to see the steps being taken and the focus of the people involved.”

He emphasised that because the Residents Group had been quiet for the past few months did not mean it had been inactive, but that the key issues raised at the start of the year were now being taken forward. To hold a meeting when there was no driving purpose to do so would, in Darren’s view, mean a slide into the talking shop he is determined to avoid.

Everyone who lives in Ludlow is welcome to come along on September 7 to hear what’s been happening since April and to have their say on what they want to happen in both the short term and looking ahead to next year.

For more information contact Darren Childs on 07805 776152.

By Your World Contributor

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