Shropshire Star

Discover the 'exciting opportunities' on offer when you join the u3a!

Ludlow u3a is launching its new look website, and has plans for taking its message to the heart of Ludlow during September.

Members enjoying some of the outdoor activities the group provides. Photo: Ludlow u3a

Ludlow u3a, is part of the UK-wide collection of over a thousand u3a charities that provide the opportunity for those no longer in full-time work to come together and learn for fun. It provides a forum for learning and activities throughout Ludlow and surrounding areas.

Now, with a drive to become even more visible in the community, the organisation has launched a new look website, and will be taking an exhibition stand in Ludlow Market on Thursday, 5 September and Friday, 27 September to introduce its activities to a wider public.

"We’ve realised that there are still a great deal of people who are not aware of u3a and the tremendous benefits of membership," said Chair Janice Haines.

"So we decided to produce a new website and then introduce ourselves via a presence in the heart of Ludlow itself.

"For an annual subscription of just £16 members can have the opportunity of joining a total of 59 groups, providing a widespread of activities including sports, crafts, languages, art and even learning to play a ukulele.

"In addition there are eight full scale meetings per year, at the Assembly Rooms, featuring specialist speakers from all over the country.

"So we feel that anyone who wants to get involved can get a terrific number of exciting opportunities just by joining.

"Joining is easy – all you have to do is come along to our next meeting in the Assembly Rooms on Monday, 30 September."

Photo: Ludlow u3a

You can find Ludlow U3a website at:

By Richard Westwood-Brookes - Contributor

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