Shropshire Star

Rotary continues to collect bras for charity!

Welshpool Rotary has collected more plastic sacks full of unwanted bras from the Against Breast Cancer Bra Bin in Morrisons Welshpool, keeping the expensive textiles out of landfill for the recycle value of the textile of £700 per tonne for Against Breast Cancer. This collecting of unloved or ill-fitting bras is one of our Rotary clubs Environmental and International projects.

Morrisons manager Alison Bowen and Dylan Hughs helping to empty the bra bin. Photo: Welshpool Rotary

You will find the pink Against Breast Cancer Bra Bank bins near the main doors where bras can be deposited. It does not matter what condition the bra is in - we still want it but laundered is good please. This initiative also helps support the Against Breast Cancer charity in the UK and helps families in Africa!

The collected bras go to a recycling company in the UK to get sorted and baled to start a new life in Africa such as Togo, Ghana and Kenya. Here the bales are bought by the African women to resell as small businesses for the women to support their families by selling the bras in the marketplaces.

Many of the bras are resalable as they are. Some are taken apart by the African women and remade as cottage industries. The ones that are not reusable in the sorting process in the UK are broken down and recycled as cotton waste and metal. Everyone is a winner.

Welshpool Rotary project lead Mike Lade said: “We are very thankful to Morrisons for supporting this initiative, but most of all we would like to thank local women for also getting behind what we are trying to achieve and that is key to the success so far. If any other places around Welshpool, that have a good foot fall and would also like to help, then please get in touch – we still have two bins for deployment.”

Against Breast Cancer have teamed up with a UK recycling company who help small businesses in Africa. The recycling company are donating £700 to cancer research for every tonne of bras collected, that's only 9,000 bras! With over 30 million women in the UK you could really help make a difference!

For more information on what Rotary has to offer contact Mike Lade on 07803 038858, or see Also on Facebook @rotaryinwelshpool.

By Your World Contributor

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