Shropshire Star

Telford lawyer's new novel raising awareness around family legal system

Lawyer and Telford resident, Sheeba Eeswaramoorthy, has written a fascinating book, delving into the world of adoption and lifting the veil of secrecy that comes with care proceedings.

Sheeba with her book. Photo: The Conrad Press

Justice be Told is a provocative, at times heart-wrenching tale of one man’s plight to have the family, denied to him as a child, finally in his life.

The author explains: "With a case I worked on that led to this story, it felt like the whole system was against us at times and it would have been easier to leave it … but I’m so glad we didn’t. It is difficult to change a system that has been so longstanding, particularly when it is conducted privately, and therefore so little known about it unless you are within the system. A novel seemed like a good way of opening other people’s eyes to the issue so I stopped procrastinating over it and put fingers to the keyboard!"

This heart-warming and gripping novel is full of emotion and passion to fight for what you believe is right.

Sheeba continues: "The main lawyer character, Serena, is very heavily modelled on my own life and I have based the story on a real-life case I worked on. I was also influenced by Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper and the riveting and interesting trial scenes."

Anyone interested in what really goes on behind the scenes of an adoption process, or has perhaps been through something similar, will enjoy this book. It’s a beautiful and captivating read and would make a great movie!

What’s next for Sheeba?

"I am working on another novel, again with Serena as the lawyer, trying to help a father battle a mother for contact with their son – the mother in this case has Jocasta’s Syndrome and it’s again very loosely inspired from a real life case. I thought this would be a really interesting basis for my next story."

Justice be Told is a provocative, at times heart-wrenching tale of one man’s plight to have the family, denied to him as a child, finally in his life. Step into the complex, often secret, world of the family legal system and see it at work.

This is Matthew Barnett’s world and his past re-surfaces explosively. The events of one night leads to a spiralling of worsening events told from four different viewpoints as Matt navigates his way through. Can this ordinary, working-class man battle the might of the local authority and win his struggle for the family he always wanted? What if his childhood family has its own hidden darkness that threatens to blow it all apart? This is a story that unravels these themes and for this family, answers whether justice has a heart.

About the author

Sheeba Eeswaramoorthy lives in Shropshire. Her passion for debating inevitably put her on the path of a career in law. She fights tirelessly for what is right. The legal framework remains far from perfect. This spurs her on to do better, be fairer and work harder. She is also a Childline counsellor, mentor and trainer, Chair of the Home-start Birmingham Consortium Executive Board and of Home-Start Birmingham Central and Southwest. In her downtime, she enjoys swimming, travel and sometimes adrenalin activity like bungee jumping, sky diving and suchlike.

By Zoe Verner - Contributor

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