Shropshire Star

Am-dram group set for musical performance of 'Annie'

Following the success of The Wind in the Willows, Whitchurch Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (WAODS) have left the Riverbank behind and popped over the Atlantic to 1930s New York as they present the timeless family classical musical, Annie.

Annie - Holly Wainwright. Photo: WOADS

‘Little Orphan Annie’ appeared in a daily American Cartoon Strip created by Harold Gray with her first appearance, along with Sandy and Daddy Warbucks in August 1924; Summer 1924 also saw the formation of WAODS with the first showing taking place in the December.

It therefore seems fitting that in its centenary year WAODS presents Annie based on a story that is also celebrating its 100th anniversary, though while the cartoon strips has all the key characters of the Musical it would be far to say that musical Annie has an easier life than Little Orphan Annie, which also featured a mean Mrs Warbucks, alongside Miss Hannigan then called Miss Asthma.

As with The Wind in the Willows, WAODS plans to transform the Sports Hall at Sir John Talbot's School into a theatre space, however this time the stage will be the more traditional layout of end on. Though it will feature raised/raked seating as well as professional set, lighting, sound a costume, to create a magical experience.

Performances at the school on Wednesday, 30 October to Friday, 1 November, with curtain up at 7pm, a matinee on Thursday, 31 October at 1pm, and a final performance on Saturday, 2 November at 4pm.

All Seats at the Wednesday performance are £12 with seats for other performances starting at £13, with a family of four ticket at £48, and until Friday, 11 October all parities of 10 include one free ticket.

Annie is coming to Sir John Talbot's School. Photo: WOADS

Tickets can be purchased via by calling 0333 666 3366, email or at the pop up box offices that will take place in October, check the WAODS Facebook page and Instagram for details. Plus of course on the door from 30 minutes before curtain up.

By Your World Contributor

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