Shropshire Star

Prince of Wales visits Wales Air Ambulance during Air Ambulance Week

To mark Air Ambulance Week the Wales Air Ambulance was honoured to welcome His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales to its Llanelli headquarters.

HRH Prince William meeting volunteers Anne Evans and Brian Tolley. Photo: Wales Air Ambulance Charity

Prince William, Wales Air Ambulance Royal Patron, visited the charity’s air base as part of his visit to Carmarthenshire last week.

During the Royal visit, Prince William met with emergency workers, volunteers and people who support or work alongside the lifesaving Charity.

Two volunteers, Brian Tolley and Anne Evans, who have both raised thousands of pounds for the Wales Air Ambulance had an opportunity to meet His Royal Highness.

Brian Tolley, 80, from Builth Wells said: “The Prince was very relaxed.

“He looked very comfortable and was brilliant with everybody he met. I thought the visit went very, very well and I really enjoyed my day.”

A delighted Anne Evans, from Cardigan, who has volunteered for the charity for 17 years and raised over £140,000 through numerous events and fundraisers, said: “It was absolutely fantastic to meet Prince William. He is a wonderful patron for our charity.”

Reflecting on being invited to meet Prince William, she continued: “It was so fantastic, everyone will be jealous. We spoke about how long I’ve been volunteering and he mentioned the fact that a lady jumped out of a plane for charity, who was 102. I said my defibrillator won’t let me do that! He was really down to earth and I could have talked to him for ages. He was really nice.”

Air Ambulance Week highlights how Wales Air Ambulance and the 20 other air ambulance charities across the UK offer a vital emergency service by taking the emergency department to the side of patients who are critically ill and injured.

Wales Air Ambulance is consultant-led, taking hospital-standard treatments to the patient and if required, transferring them directly to the most appropriate hospital for their illness or injury.

It is delivered via a unique Third Sector and Public Sector partnership. The Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS) supplies highly skilled NHS consultants and critical care practitioners who work on board the charity’s vehicles.

As a pan-Wales service, the dedicated air ambulance crews, regardless of where they are based, will travel the length and breadth of the country to deliver emergency lifesaving care.

His Royal Highness also met with the Chief Executive of Ascona Group, Darren Briggs. Ascona has supported the charity in their mission to deliver lifesaving medical care to people across Wales, whenever and wherever they need it. Wales Air Ambulance is currently Ascona’s charity partner.

A grateful Darren said: “It was absolutely fantastic to meet His Royal Highness, he was so down to earth and so engaging. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet Prince William, it really was. I am very thankful to the Wales Air Ambulance for giving me this opportunity.”

Several of the Wales Air Ambulance medics and pilots also met Prince William.

Critical Care Practitioner, Josh Easton, said: “It was a pleasure to meet His Royal Highness. He had a real understanding and was able to relate to us given his previous work and experience with H1145 and his work with East Anglian Air Ambulance.

“He has a unique perspective and understands what we provide as a service to the patients and the people of Wales. It was a pleasure to meet Prince William.”

The Prince also took the opportunity to sit down with the emergency workers as well as Chief Executive Dr Sue Barnes, Chair of Trustees Kyle Jacques, and Director of Strategic Communications and Engagement, Steven Stokes.

Dr Barnes said: “It was a great honour to welcome The Prince of Wales again – the second occasion in just over a year.

“The Prince always conveys an in-depth knowledge and understanding of our organisation. His genuine passion for our Charity and the people within it is recognised by us all. He has a particularly deep connection with our crews having shared their experiences when working as an air ambulance pilot.

“Since the announcement of His Royal Highness as Wales Air Ambulance Royal Patron in February 2023, our Charity has seen a significantly positive impact.

“This has been evident not only through the increasing profile of the Charity and significant funds raised but also through the tangible sense of pride expressed by our employees and volunteers.”

This year’s visit followed last year’s engagement where Prince William and Princess Catherine officially opened the Charity’s new patient and family room.

By Lisa Wilson - Contributor

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