Shropshire Star

Monster drawings pay off for 9-year-old doodler

Boblings are a collaborative project between Telford based father and son. Monsters doodled by nine year-old Robin Hardwidge are inked and coloured by his father, Tom. After filling their sketchbooks, they have now launched a Kickstarter campaign to produce a set of limited-edition, original greeting cards to share them with the world.

Robin & Tom Hardwidge. Photo supplied

The two of them have been working on collaborative artwork since Robin was just three years old but, after sharing them on social media recently, Robin's entrepreneurial spirit was fired up. Wanting to share their creations with the world Robin decided that creating a set of greeting cards would be a great place to start.

“My parents say that if I want to have them printed properly I have to pay for them myself. They don’t give me enough pocket money for that so I’ve decided to crowdfund it instead.” Says Robin.

Supporters can buy sets of A6 greetings cards and there are even some custom designed Boblings artworks up for grabs.

The campaign funded in just 45 minutes after launch, leaving Robin completely astonished. There is still plenty of time left to support the project and get your own set of cards though. Robin has promised to buy Tom a new sketchbook with the money (which he will no doubt fill up with even more madness), but he'd also like to re-invest into the printing process, so he can sell his cards at local markets and fairs too.

The Dread Baron. Image: Robin & Tom Hardwidge

“As parents, we try to support entrepreneurial spirit wherever we see it, and want to teach Robin that hard work, honest communication and good customer service can pay-off. This is a project which Robin has really been able to get his teeth into (pardon the pun), and he is super-excited about sharing his artwork with the world.” Says his Dad, Tom.

The Fangerine. Image: Robin & Tom Hardwidge

You can find out more about Boblings and back the project at

The Gribbit. Image: Robin & Tom Hardwidge

By Emma Hardwidge - Contributor

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