Shropshire Star

Shropshire cyclist completes epic 350-mile ride across Wales to raise awareness for Parkinson's UK

Eilish Gilbert, a 28-year-old from Ludlow, recently completed an extraordinary 350-mile off-road cycling challenge across Wales to raise awareness and funds for Parkinson’s UK.

Eilish taking part in her 350-mile off-road cycling challenge across Wales. Photo: Eilish Gilbert

The epic ride, which took place between 3 to 7 August, saw Eilish journey from the north to the south of Wales, battling tough terrain and unpredictable weather to support people living with Parkinson’s, including her dad, Jon.

Eilish’s motivation for this ambitious challenge stems from her own family's experience. Her dad Jon was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s in 2016, and she has seen firsthand how the condition affects not only him but also their family.

Eilish said: “Over the last 12 months, things have been particularly tough at home. I was frustrated by how little understanding there is of Parkinson’s. People often misjudge my dad’s symptoms, assuming he’s drunk or not realising how difficult everyday life has become for him. Even close family members struggle to comprehend what we go through. This challenge was my way of raising awareness, sharing our story, and hopefully making people stop and listen.”

With six years of competitive mountain biking under her belt, Eilish was physically prepared for the ride, but the emotional strength required came from her personal mission.

Eilish added, “Knowing that I was riding for my dad and others like him gave me the mental strength to push through. But no amount of preparation can prepare you for how you’ll feel during such a challenge.”

“The most rewarding aspect was the number of people who reached out to me or my family after seeing my videos about the condition. I’m so grateful for the support we’ve received. It’s amazing to know that my efforts have helped people better understand Parkinson’s.”

Eilish’s dad, who has been living with Parkinson’s for eight years, initially experienced mild symptoms, but as time went on, his symptoms became more noticeable.

The Gilbert family has received invaluable support from Parkinson’s UK, particularly through their local advisor, Shirley Howson. Eilish said: “Shirley has been amazing. She helped my dad get back into the system and supported us through difficult times. My parents always say she deserves an award for her dedication. People don’t realise that Parkinson’s isn’t just about shaking hands – it affects so much more.

Eilish is raising money for her dad Jon who has Parkinson's. Photo: Eilish Gilbert

“I hope the money raised will go towards finding better treatments and supporting families like mine. Ultimately, it would be incredible to think that one day, a cure could be found.”

Alison Cope, Community Fundraiser for Parkinson’s UK, said: “We are so grateful to Eilish for taking on this incredible fundraiser for Parkinson’s UK.

“With more than 40 potential symptoms, Parkinson’s can devastate lives. We’ve made huge breakthroughs in the last 50 years, but there is still no cure and current treatments are not good enough.

“We hope that this fundraising challenge inspires you to get involved with Parkinson’s UK. There are lots of ways for you to get involved and support us - from volunteering at an event, to campaigning for better services. Without the generosity of people like you, our work would not be possible.”

So far, Eilish has raised a total of £3,730 for Parkinson’s UK, beating her £1,200 target.

Eilish has beaten her £1,200 target. Photo: Eilish Gilbert

For more information or to support Eilish’s fundraising efforts, please visit

To find out more about Parkinson’s UK and how to fundraise, visit

By Katie Kensit - Contributor

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