Shropshire developments at the top of Santa’s list thanks to housebuilders
The developer creating brand-new communities in Shropshire is taking steps to ensure its homes are on Santa’s list to visit this Christmas.

David Wilson Homes, which is building new developments in the county, has written to Mr Claus to make sure he stops by at the new homes this festive season.
The five-star housebuilder is eager to ensure Santa is aware of its developments and that the new community receives a visit.
Amanda Bishop, Sales Director at David Wilson Homes Mercia, said: “While Father Christmas and his elves wrap the final presents, we’re doing our part to ensure our new communities receive their well-deserved gifts.

“We’ve taken thorough steps to guide Santa this Christmas, and after meeting many of the children who have moved into our new homes, we’re confident they’ve secured a spot on Santa’s ‘nice’ list.”
Families can track Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve using NORAD. According to NORAD, Santa’s route changes each year, but he usually starts at the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean and travels west.
To help ensure Santa stops by families can leave out mince pies and milk before heading to bed on Christmas Eve.