Town's second lantern walk another success!

The second Lantern Walk, organised by the Ludlow Town Walls Trust, proved to be another successful event. Whilst not bathed in the light of a full moon, the weather was, nevertheless, kindly for the end of December and the atmosphere created by torches and lanterns was still special.

By contributor Di Lyle
Last updated
Cheque Presentation by Roger Furniss for the Ludlow Town Tour Guides to Colin Richards, Chair, Ludlow Town Walls Trsuts
Cheque Presentation by Roger Furniss for the Ludlow Town Tour Guides to Colin Richards, Chair, Ludlow Town Walls Trsuts

This time, the walk set off from the Castle Bookshop, with mulled wine and mince pies served in the shop’s delightful garden but before the tour started, the Ludlow Town Tour Guides presented a cheque for £10,000 to the Town Walls Trust. 

The vote for such a generous donation from the guides had been unanimous, as Roger Furniss explains: “We all understand how important it is for the town’s walled heritage to be maintained and preserved and we know that the Town Walls Trust will use this donation wisely to help with that.”

Colin Richards, chair of the Ludlow Town Walls Trust, was delighted to receive the cheque: “This is a huge amount of money – but it’s more than that, it’s a huge show of support from the community.” He assured the guides that the money will be designated to help secure the repair of the collapsed section of the wall. Colin assured those attending that the LTWT are committed to working with all sectors of the community to make 2025 the year that this long standing issue is given the attention it desperately needs.

Lantern Walk beneath  Broadgate
Lantern Walk beneath Broadgate

On that positive note, the Lantern Walk tour guides, Roger Furniss, Phil Horsfall and Ian Barge led their teams down to the collapsed section of the wall where many were astounded at the continued risk of further collapse as the temporary supports rapidly degrade. The groups then followed the line of the old town ditch around the town following the walls and dipping into the history and stories from the town’s past: a 14th century archer in the garden of Broadgate House; the Steward of Old Gate House and the betrayed Marion de la Bruyere beneath the Pendover Tower of Ludlow Castle.

Marian de la Bruyere telling her story
Marian de la Bruyere telling her story

The Lantern Walks were run to raise the profile of the Town Walls Trust and to launch the calendar of fundraising events for the trust. “The idea was to run just the one Lantern Walk,” explained Di Lyle who is the trust’s secretary and also works with Colin on fundraising events. “But we ended up with a waiting list and some very disappointed supporters, so we asked Roger and Phil if they would consider running another one and, fortunately, they agreed.”

The next fundraisers for the trust will commemorate the 12th anniversary of the collapse of the section of the wall; the first a wine tasting at Vine & Juniper on 12 February, and a daylight tour of the town walls during the weekend of 15-16 February.

Contact Di Lyle for more information on 07786 620624.