Severn Trent urges customers to prevent their Yorkies from causing unnecessary blockages

Yorkshire puddings are a tasty treat and a great addition to many roast dinners but making them at home can cause massive problems for sewers if the batter is not properly disposed of.

By contributor Sam Davison
Severn Trent's team clearing blockages
Severn Trent's team clearing blockages

With National Yorkshire Pudding Day taking place tomorrow (February 2), Severn Trent is asking customers to make life ‘batter’ by throwing the leftovers waste in the bin rather than pouring it down the drain to help prevent blockages.

Yorkshire pudding batter and the fat, oils and greases (FOG) left over from the roast dinners that they come with can cause potential costly blockages and create fatbergs in the sewers which can clog up pipes and lead to flooding in customers’ homes.

The water company is asking everyone to ‘be a binner, not a blocker’ and giving advice that can be shared to neighbours and loved ones as they indulge in a roast dinner over the weekend, so that we can all ‘weather the winter together’. 

When cooking in the kitchen, customers are asked to:

  • Use kitchen roll to wipe up grease from plates and pans before washing up  
  • Collect used cooking oil, fat and grease into a jar, container, or tin to throw in the bin once it’s cool  

Grant Mitchell, Sewer Blockages Lead at Severn Trent, said: “With National Yorkshire Pudding Day so close we want customers to consider what they are pouring down their drains and what happens to it when it gets to the sewers.

“Yorkshire pudding mix, and leftover fats, oils and greases from roasts can cause huge problems if they get washed down the kitchen sink instead of thrown in the bin.

“When FOG mixes together with other unflushable items, such as wet wipes, cotton buds, and sanitary products, they quickly solidify in the pipes creating fatbergs and blockages, which is not a very fun experience for anyone and cause floodings in the home.”

Severn Trent managed to clear a shocking 28,782 blockages last year alone which could’ve been avoided if incorrect items were not put down the toilet and sink. It has also successfully prevented over 18 million litres of fats, oil and grease from entering the sewers.

Further information on protecting your home from blockages can be found on Severn Trent's website.